Thursday, February 21, 2013


I needed to get a few photos of my upcoming Snow White pattern that will be released first part of March and I thought I should probably get that taken care of before the snow hits later today so yesterday after school, I bundled up the minions and headed out to one of our favorite outdoor spots to take a few pics.  As you can see, everything is frozen, brown, and sort of blah. 

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huntsman 052

As always, there is beauty to be found if you look for it.

huntsman 047

Here's a sneak peak of the upcoming pattern.

huntsman 012

The minions had fun standing on the ice right at the edge of the pond and seeing how far they could get branches and rocks to skid out on the ice if their toss was hard enough.  There are a few playgrounds nearby and the minions decided they weren't as frozen as they could be so after the photoshoot I let them play for about 10 minutes - it was rather chilly after all.

huntsman 065
huntsman 074

I got a lot of dyeing done yesterday and more yarn is soaking for this morning's batch and after that I will be shoveling - if the forecasters are right that is... 

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