Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy (belated) Birthday to the hubby!

As promised, here is a picture of the hubby as a wee thing. A little late, but as the saying goes, better late than never! Every now and then the hubby actually reads the blog and his response to the new vacuum and presents of Christmas' past mentioned in the last post: "I am going to have to start a blog of my own with Kevin (a guy he works with) entitled 'Lies, Deceit, and Marriage' and the first entry will be 'I don't know how many of you choose to actually read that Dreams in Fiber blog but check out the latest whopper!' Or maybe "Spouses = synonym for lie factory" as another possible blog title". Of course he was laughing the entire time. However, now I may have to keep my eyes open to see if he actually starts one of his own :)

Since this post is about dear hubby, I have just learned (while typing this post actually) that the hubby has an extensive amount of knowledge regarding GI Joe. Little man has found the hubby's GI Joe stash from his childhood and now hubby is going through all of the names... what their specialty was... He is oddly territorial about SnakeEyes though -- "He was the most bada** ninja there was!". Great. I am sure I'll sleep a lot easier tonight now that I know that we have SnakeEyes in the house -- granted he is a 3 1/2 inch action figure!

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