Monday, June 28, 2010

Look Who Turned 4!

This past weekend was one big celebration for little miss' 4th birthday.  On Friday evening we went out to the restaurant of her choice with my in-laws and on Saturday afternoon we had friends and family head over to the bowling alley for a little bit of fun and food.  Yesterday we spent a lot of time getting to know some of our new games and ensembles and helped Daddy in the yard.  She was having such a great time!

 Today (her actual birthday), we woke up at 4:30 sick and puking.  What a craptastically awful way to spend a 4th Birthday!  She was sitting in my lap this morning in the bathroom and says to me "But it's me birthday.  I don't want to be sick on me birthday."  I'm glad she was having a good time over the weekend...  So far she seems alright this morning since the lovely little episode earlier, but feel free to cross your fingers and lets hope we're all done with whatever it was she picked up!!!

Happy Birthday, Little Miss!  You are growing up into such a wonderful and smart little lady who knows her own mind :)  I can't wait to see what the next year brings for you.

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