Shortly after I finished my Bellatrix socks, I cast on my first Monkey sock. I wasn't very far into the cuff when I knew that this sock was not destined for my own sock drawer. My Aunt M had recently put in a request for some socks for this upcoming Winter and this will be the first pair of 3. One sock down, one to go!

I remember mentioning in my last post, a gift knit. This market bag was supposed to be a gift for my MIL for Mother's Day but little man wanted to give it to her early. Not the prettiest thing, but it's functional and I was able to do a little
stashbusting at the same time :)

As luck would have it, after the bag was gifted to my MIL, little man was having some market bag withdrawal. He now has one of his own.

And, I designed up a little pair of socks in honor of Petunia
Dursley. These socks were knit from
Sunshine Yarns Twist Sock Yarn in the Hydrangea colorway.

The all-over-double-eyelet pattern is really so simple that I don't know if it should be considered a pattern at all, but it completes an entry into a little contest and I get a new pair of socks out of the deal so I'm not complaining! I do rather like the heels though, I've never done an Eye of Partridge heel before. I made a slight modification to incorporate a few garter stitch bars on either side for easy heel flap pick-up.

I'm happy to report that the Monkey socks fit great and I have knitted through the cuff portion of the second sock. There are many more socks in my queue. Last count, I had around 15 yet to complete and I love it! Hence, my
unofficial year of the sock :)
Little thunderstorms like this one have been occurring lately here in Iowa.

Little miss is unsure of the thunder. It doesn't scare her exactly, but she claps here little hands over her ears and shouts "Noise!". The rain has enabled things to start turning green though. A little warm up enabled the family and I to head down to my In-Law's lake house again. The kids had fun exploring and obtaining new "treasures" and the hubby was able to get in a bit of fishing.

Little man even got in on the action.

Here are some other images of the afternoon.

Can we say

At the end of the day, little man was all tuckered out!

I had a bit of fun exploring with my camera. No flowers or colors yet, but plenty of textures to be found!

Why would you want to honor Petunia? ;) However, they are nice socks...and the market bag is pretty sweet too! I'm jealous of all the lake time! :)
Well, I thought I would try to focus my socks on a character that was perhaps overlooked many a time... I settled on Petunia. So there :) We're trying to let the minions have some lake fun before the construction starts!
I loved the colors in the monkey socks! And the marketbags were great! I think I have to make them favorites on ravelry.
Yes, I think I´ll do just that!
Have a lovely wednesday!
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