Tuesday, January 15, 2008


**If anyone is on the squeamish side, perhaps this post is not for you, just a warning**

When little man was born, the hubby and I noticed that his eyes crossed a little bit. We kept waiting for them to straighten out, and kept waiting... Then we went to see a professional. According to multiple sources, surgery was the best option for correcting little man's vision issues. He was 11 months old for his first surgery and he was 21 months old when he had his second. Yesterday's surgery ups his tally to 3 total surgeries and I am realllllly hoping we are done. It's too early to tell right now because that right eye needs to settle down a bit before we can see what the actual alignment will be.

Surgery with any child is difficult, more so when it involves your own. We scheduled this one 3 months ago so it's been a little black cloud looming in the distance for the hubby and I (and other family members for that matter). I started to do a bit of "prep work" last Wednesday by starting to explain a little bit of what would happen to little man. There we sat on Sunday, enjoying a little family time when he has a freak accident and falls and hits his chin/jaw on the edge of the dreaded coffee table. 3 little teeth managed to pop their way through his bottom lip so to the ER we go. Everything was fine, all of his teeth are still intact, no fractured jaw... the lip will heal up fine... Surgery will go on as scheduled. Poor little guy! The hubby was trying to get him to take a little nap yesterday, telling him that it would make his eye feel better. Little man responded with "Nothing makes it feel better." He's doing a little better today, but we've got a ways to go before I get my smiling little man back!

In case anyone is still reading this post, I will explain what "Super-Poob" is in reference to. About a week ago now, little man was building towers with his blocks and I commented that one in particular was "superb." This was a new word for little man so we went over the definition and then asked him if he could say the word "superb". "Super-poob". We try again. "Super-poob". We succeeded with a "superb" on the third try.

I will follow up with a knitting/other happenings post in a day or two, as I thought I would dedicate this one to little man.

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